Forget WiFi! The new entrant in town is the revolutionary technology
Li-Fi that has become the talk of the internet. Imagine downloading your
favourite movie while standing under a light bulb in a few seconds! Now with
this new technology, you won't have to imagine things but you can actually see
them happening in reality.
What is Li-Fi?
Light Fidelity (LiFi) is high speed technology which
enables data transmission through visible light communication i.e it transmits
highspeed data using lights. The term was coined by German physicist Harald
Haas during a TED Talk when he outlined the idea of using lightbulbs as
wireless routers. Why are we calling it revolutionary? Imagine all these
billions of lightbulbs becoming wireless hotspots delivering connectivity at
amazing speeds! If all goes well, this new technology could transform the way
we use the Internet. It is touted as being nearly 100 times faster than the
traditional WiFi technology based on transmission of radio waves. When tried
in laboratory, LiFi technology, achieved an amazing speed of 224 gigabits per
second.To put it simply, the speed is comparable to that of 18 movies of more
than 1 GB downloading every single second. It has been estimated that it will
become a $113 billion industry by 2022. Will this visible light communication
have a bright future? We will just have to wait and watch
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